8:30 am
Cowardly Chump Trump Tactics playing out against Fox News Megyn Kelly. She is a reporter and gets protection because of the rage and absolute sexist violence Trump evokes against her.
Belfast City Council Mike Hurley does the same to me. He threatens me and my home directly,
since 2011. One mom, children, and pets targeted to be sold hell, knowing how beat up we were and our dangerous situation. Needing to stay under all radar to heal and begin again. No one protects us. Just me.Against the mob. It is serious. Humor is a coping mechanism used by the
abused. I use it 24/7.
Hurley went after me right away as soon as I went public with the Belfast abuse and corruption on 11/1/2011. He is protected by the media, the Wall and all those he has implicated.
Wish Bowdoin students would take action to stop the 1% abuse and violence with me. I need you.
www.boycottbelfast.blogspot.co... Join me for a protest in downtown Belfast.
Tell me when laurieallen@msn.com
Laurie Allen
Helfast 04915
Wow , now that's paranoid!
1. Won rarely awarded hotly contested relocation of children in 2010.
Used all I had left @ 49 yrs old, unemployed to buy 17 Seaview Terrace,
cash, number one issue- NO WATER ISSUES. Sold undisclosed water
slaughter hell that came tearing through my tiny 1/8 acre backyard 9
months after purchase. Spring melt 2011. My investigations prove Belfast
City Hall illegally force floods private properties bypassing City
infrastructure, corrupting public hearings and proposals. With holding
public documents and information with support from MFOIA/Attorney
General's office, Property Inspectors, Realtors, Agents, Businesses,
Maine Realtor Commission, DEP Commissioner, Governor, Senators, you name
them, I got them.
3. I went public placing us in immediate danger
in 11/2011. Clips of only SOME of over 50 Belfast City Council meetings
that I spoke at are on my you tube channel.
was broken when we crawled here. Belfast should have killed me. They
came close. It was hard for me to articulate for a long, long time as
they pounced on me. Like you Gangsta, painting me as paranoid and insane
to the public.
4. City Council took the 5th and the City Attorney
sent me intimidating letter after letter to stop me from speaking and
trying to save my home at City Council meetings.
5. City Council
called me in as a threat to the Chief Of Police, Mike McFadden. Allowing
him to pull my background. During the interrogation I linked the TWC
cable guy, Tom, who has been in my home MANY times because I had
constant internet problems, as being the secret brother in law to the
Chief of Police, Mike McFadden. Tom accessed my computer many, many
times. Inside my home. Reporting back to the Chief, no doubt about it.
Tom had brought up a you tube video showing the restoration of a tractor
mower during one of his visits. No voices or faces in the video, Tom
told me his brother-in-law does this. The Chief almost fell off his
chair when after he mentioned that he restored old tractor mowers and I
said "Hey- you are the brother-in-law to Tom, the TWC cable guy." How
many got busted due to insider information and computer access? Not me.
I'm MaryJane clean.
6. Unable to get me yet, Belfast PD Officer
Ward follows me out of a meeting to persuade me to back off of City
Hall. Citing his allegiance and friendship to these officials for 30
years. I asked him what does his relationships with them have to do with
me? Then he went after me as a mother. Telling me I should be concerned
with the affect that this is having on my children. That if he were me,
he would be a parent first! I told him that is exactly what I am doing
and this conversation is over.
7. A few months later, Chief Mike
McFadden and Officer Ward are at my door. I invite them in. McFadden
tells me that he got an anonymous email that I am unstable. Another
interrogation that doesn't shake me. Then the Chief launches into the
same conversation that as a parent he would be concerned for the
children's well being. I told him conversations about my children are
off limits, we are done.
8. Since then, I've gotten several
anonymous letters. The last 2, sexually explicit and threatening. All 3
from the same sender, definite reference to City Hall and only that an
official would reference through riddle. I suspect one or all- City
Council Mike Hurley, City Planner Wayne Marshall, City Manager Joe
Slocum, City Attorney Bill Kelly, Chief McFadden. McFadden refused to
return my calls to investigate the letters. I had to go to Sheriff
Trafton. He is concerned, but can't investigate.
9. In small
claims court, Belfast resident, Judge Patricia Worth robs me of 7k in
open and shut cases in the past year. That's when I linked the Worth
network to all the corruption allowed to fester. I went public with that
big time. Dead Mom talking.
This is only a snippet. Wow is an
understatement. I'm a nobody, no greedy agenda, no money, Just a below
poverty mom, holding her own, no welfare, paying taxes, law abiding,
high honor son targeted by the High School administration and
Superintendent, crushing his Questbridge College Applications, sweeping
his Phi Beta Kappa award under the rug, I found it through a google
search and they threw him under the bus again... to hurt me for
protecting our lives and home.
Laurie Allen
Current posts below- today is the Bangor Daily News deleting my comments for the corrupt Churches in Belfast. Specifically the UU Church and Minister Perkins and Minster Tarpley (prior owner of my home, targeting me, a beat up mom, to sell me hell by corruption).
"That" (coined by Lady Gaga) happened to me by one with power when I was 21. I never told anyone. I would lose my job.
There is more to my family trauma's that will remain private.
What Belfast power has done to my children and me, when they personally knew our history and used it to rob and destroy us, 6 years and counting, when we thought we made it out to begin to heal in safety and privacy... with the many knowing me and seeking my friendship since I was 8 years old in 1969... how do you people look into your children's eyes?
I'm strong. I believe in me. Underway with
protest for more targeting, abuse and corruption 6 years and counting. This page covers a lot - it took me 6
years to get to the Belfast Mob Pin- Judge Patricia Worth. 6 years of constant abuse pouring
down. Sinking me again and again, Each time popping back up stronger
than ever. The best buoy, me. Ducking, bobbing and protesting. That's what I can do and I do till death do I part. With or without you.
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